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I need to create an alert message when a value of Y is sel...

Michele Brooks 2

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Michele, use the tag code to post your code sample otherwise, such as in this case, it has been truncated due to html characters


or you can type (without spaces)

[ code] your code here [ /code]

But should be something like this

function mrs_ddbox_subtotals_onclick(event)


var selOpt = IbComposer_getCurrentSelection('mrs_ddbox_subtotals');

if (selOpt == 'Y')

alert ("Selection is true");


Or like that depending of type of control

function mrs_ddbox_subtotals_onclick(event)


if (mrs_ddbox_subtotals0.checked == true)

alert ("Selection is true");


And may also have other ways to do it

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MartinY, I used your first suggestion because I want an alert message to pop up when the user clicks the radio button that has Y as the value. I ran the code below but when I clicked on the radio button no message popped up. Please let me know what I am doing wrong. Thanks.

[/ Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000174 EndHTML:000001006 StartFragment:000000550 EndFragment:000000974 StartSelection:000000550 EndSelection:000000974 SourceURL:about:blank body {white-space:nowrap;margin-left:0;margin-right:0;} select {font:10pt courier new;} div {padding-bottom: 1px; padding-top: 1px}

//Begin function mrs_ddbox_subtotals_onclick

function mrs_ddbox_subtotals_onclick(event) {


var selOpt = IbComposer_getCurrentSelection(mrs_ddbox_subtotals);

if (selOpt == Y)

alert (The subtotal field must be the first selected report field!);


//End function mrs_ddbox_subtotals_onclick ]

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Try the following to test the control value

function mrs_ddbox_subtotals_onclick(event)


var selOpt = IbComposer_getCurrentSelection(mrs_ddbox_subtotals);

alert ("selOpt");

//if (selOpt == Y)

//alert (The subtotal field must be the first selected report field!);


But since its a radio, the second option should work better.

Let pretend that you have three options.

So referring options should be like that:

First option (A) is named mrs_ddbox_subtotals0

Second option (Y) is named mrs_ddbox_subtotals1

Third option (N) is named mrs_ddbox_subtotals2

Then if second option is the one with the Y value, you can normally do the following

function mrs_ddbox_subtotals_onclick(event)


if (mrs_ddbox_subtotals0.checked == true)

alert ("Option 1 is selected");

else if (mrs_ddbox_subtotals1.checked == true)

alert ("Option 2 is selected");


alert ("Option 3 is selected");


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function mrs_ddbox_subtotals_onclick(event) { { var selOpt = IbComposer_getCurrentSelection(mrs_ddbox_subtotals); alert (selOpt);



I tested the control value but nothing happens when I click the subtotals button. Should I delete it and create it again It is a static button control that passes either a Y (this means to include subtotals in the report, and N (this means do not include subtotals in the report).

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One other point. The control by itself actually works because I tested it. When I click the selection N and run the report, no subtotals appear on the report. When I click the selction Y and run the report, subtotals appear on the report. So to values are being passed to the control.
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var selOpt = IbComposer_getCurrentSelection(mrs_ddbox_subtotals);

if (selOpt == Y)

alert (The subtotal field must be the first selected report field!);




MartinY, your code actually worked. Yay. Thank you so much. I decided to add your code to my backup version of the html page and it worked. I first used your code to test the button and then I used the onclick code. I think I did too much on the JavaScript tab in the version that I was working on and it stopped working. Im glad I backed it up before I started making changes to it. Thanks again.

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