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Add Search Paging Control and set Match Prefix = NO, Instant...

robert fuschetto

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Add Search Paging Control and set Match Prefix = NO, Instant Search = Yes.

This appears on HTML Page in Design Mode:


Run and this appears:


NOTE: Though it says 1-50 of 235ALL 235 are in the list when I click the drop down arrow:

FYI: 30999 is our last Bill Area, ie #235:


Why does it do this Can I make the 1 of # and pagination go away all together

NOTE: If I search on something:


then REFRESH by hitting the back arrow, suddenly it says 1-235 of 235 which is correct!


So I either want it to say 1-235 from the get go, or I do not want to see it at allany ideas

We are on 8206 migrating to 8207.

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