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This gets better.

I have 379 Cost Centers in my resultant dataset. If I set the range to

1 - 380 I get this


If I set the range to 1 - 350 I get this!


In reality I want to be able to at least view ALL hits regardless of range.


Ive now successfully added a Search Bar in App Studio 8.206, but I just came across a potential issue.

in my Example I have 577 records.

A) Is there a way to show all records in the check box control Right now I seemed to have a limitation of 100 records at a time


B) If you cant change the limit above, there is the issue where I cant seem to check a box on multiple pages, and have them pass into the report

Page 1 - select Cost Center 3


Page 2 - select Cost Center 101


When I run the report I only get the results from Cost Center 101, and not Cost Centers 3 AND 101.

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