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I have java code within my page designer that creates a show...

Ashley Leggore

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I have java code within my page designer that creates a show/hide feature on a date filter based on whether you select the Report Type to be monthly, daily, or weekly. Currently, on run/page load this

show/hide filter does not work until you click in the filter bar, then the date filter disappears. Im very new to javascript and Im unable to figure out how to add a piece of code that will make this happen at time of page load. Any suggestions

Here is the sample javascript im currently using:

var _checkColumn = REPORTTYPE;

var _checkValue = Monthly;

var _hideObjWithClass = .dateparam;

$(body).on(blur, .ibx-select-item-list-paged-inner, function() {

setTimeout(function() {

var _page = document.querySelector(".pd-page").ibaObject;

var _pageUtil = PageUtil.getPageUtil(_page);

var amperManager = _pageUtil.getAmperManager();

var _filterValues = "";

amperManager._ampers.forEach(function(amper) {

if ( amper.info.name == _checkColumn ) {

_filterValues += amper.info.curValue + "##";





console.log( _filterValues )


if(_filterValues.indexOf( _checkValue ) > -1) {

$( _hideObjWithClass ).animate({opacity:0},350);


else {

$( _hideObjWithClass ).animate({opacity:1},350);



}, 50);


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Thank you MartinY. Im very unfamiliar with java script at all and its very new to me. So, when you say its called by the window_onload function, I dont have any code specifically for that in here like I would see in an HTML designer page. Im using the page designer. So do I need additional code besides what you provided I also tried that code you provided and could not get it to work.
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