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Hello, I am using WebFOCUS 7703 and Tomcat 7.0.106. Currentl...

Deana Goeken

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Hi Deana

Look under the directory where Tomcat is installed. I cant remember where that version does by default Under the tomcatconfCatalinalocalhost directory you will see an approot.xml file. Duplicate that file and name it something unique. Edit that new file and change the docBase to the directory you want to expose the files and change the path to something like /files. Then under the tomcatconf directory edit the web.xml file and find the keyword listings and change the value from false to true. Restart tomcat and then you you be able to go to http://servername:8080/files and see those files. The one security issue I see with doing this is that any directory like under /approot etc will also be available for people to see but not modify

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Hello, I am using WebFOCUS 7703 and Tomcat 7.0.106. Currently we are using IE 11 and I can open files on a remote server using file:// in javascript and opening the files in a new browser window. We are trying to move away from IE, but the Chrome will not open the file. My research indicates this intentional in Chrome. I would like to add an alias to Tomcat for the specific directory on the other server. I have never done this before and my coworkers only have experience with creating virtual directories in IIS. Has anyone done this

I have found the following sources:

Installing the WebFOCUS Client

Configuring Apache Tomcat

Configuring Web and Application Servers

Configuring the Web Server or Application Server

The last 2 sources specify WebFOCUS 8.10 or above. Will these instructions work on 7703

Are the other/better sources Any gotchas I should be aware of

Thank you,


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Chuck, The Tomcat directory is under the ibi. We will follow the steps you listed. The ability to see the files from the application server is a security risk that we have discussed and at this point, seems acceptable. The files used to reside directly on the app server, which posed the same risk. In my research these are the only options I have found. Since the files are accessed by other applications and can be modified by specific users, the alias seems to be the best option.

Waz, I did a google search with and without WebFOCUS. It did return lots of useful documentation. I only included the WebFOCUS links because they were directly related.

Thank you Chuck and Waz. I appreciate your assistance.


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Hi Deena

Sounds like you could use an alias / virtual directory at your webserver instead of using Tomcat if thats easier.

Otherwise your insturctions should work - Tomcat and Web Severs have worked the same way for quite a while as far as virtual directories go.

I use IIS these days - its easy to add a new virtual directory using the GUI there. I get that you might not be using Windows though.

Let us know if you hit any problems.



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We are using windows 2008 (r2 I think). WebFOCUS was installed in the 2011/2012 timeframe. When this first came up, we planned to add a virtual directory to IIS, but it is not installed/running. I am not sure if there was a specific reason we did not set it up to work with IIS initially.

If we could add IIS to our current configuration, that would probably be best as no one in my shop is too familiar with Tomcat. I am not sure what would be required to, or if it is feasible, to install and configure IIS. I will talk to my system support tech and see what he thinks.

Thank you,


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You can get the IIS Jakarta plugin and have your admins follow the instructions on page 136 of the 7.7.03 installation guide. https://documentation.informationbuilders.com/masterindex/html/pdf_wf_7703/wf_win_7703install.pdf

If my memory serves me the admins who helped me install this way back when didnt mind just using Tomcat standalone. So if they want to have IIS in the mix it is a matter of following the instructions. I think we changed Tomcat to listen on port 80 so that will have to be changed back to 8080 if you do go this route.

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