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Source control using GIT anyone...

VisuaLizeFOCUS .

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We looked into usage of GIT some months ago, but see currently the following limitations:



AppStudio is not supporting GIT



Only files on WF Client can be put under source control (no WFRS files)



Initial check-in of folders with many files was failing



Every workspace has to be handled separately



See also https://kb.informationbuilders.com/topic/using-source-control-management-webfocus-home-page.

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Yeah, we had looked into using the integrated source control system as well, but found it very frustrating and limiting. I had to always remember to manually check out the files before editing and checkin was not smooth.

What we do instead is take the content of the change management zip packages and put that into source control. This way we have a source control backup of out dashboards and everything behind it.

The downside is that it is often basically impossible to see what has changed between checkins because a lot of file have incindental changes (timestamps, etc). Also, it is not clear sometimes how the content of the package relates to what we see in App Studio and the Management Portal.

But atleast this way, if we loose our WebFOCUS environments, we can easily take what is is source control, create a new content management package, import it and have all our content back.

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