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In WebFocus 8.206 is there a way in Designer Studio to preve...

Ben Maxwell

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Hi Benjamin,

Matthews suggestion is a good option: the Submit button makes it so that parameter values are not passed to filtered procedures in the page until it is clicked, so if your procedure has one or more required parameters, it wont run until then.

If you dont have parameters in your procedure, another option is to use some custom JavaScript. You can add a button to the page that creates a new container with your procedure.

For example, we have this sample JavaScript used in a demo page that creates 4 containers when a button is clicked. You could adapt it so that only one container is created instead of the 4 in the example, and point to your procedure via an IBFS path which you can get from the files properties on the Home Page. See this attachment for some sample code that you could modify for your example: Page_Designer_JS.txt (8.3 KB)

Finally, if your procedure is in XLSX format and runs directly as spreadsheet, you could create a simple HTML page with a hyperlink that points to the procedure, which is defined here https://kb.informationbuilders.com/topic/passing-parameter-values-page-8207. You could then add that HTML page to your environment as a URL object, and add that URL to your page.



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Thanks Matthew and Alex.

I was able to adopt Matthews suggestion to force the user to pick an output selection before the procedure resolves.

Since I am in WebFocus 8.206 I dont think I have the CSS or Java functionality in Designer Studio, but this may be something that I will tinker with in the future.

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