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I have created a drill down from one pie chart to another n...

Ankit Kuvadia

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I have created a drill down from one pie chart to another


null contributor.jpg1276388 20.5 KB


as you can see from above I have a pie chart which has 8227 records, but the field on which I am dividing my chart has null value and it is automatically displayed as a dot(.) in legend as well as pie chart

I have not added any code for doing so, I have just created a pie chart using designer

Moving further I have a drill down on this pie chart, as I drill down further from above chart since my contributor field has null value my next drill down chart is showing NO DATA GRAPH


no data graph.JPG1236271 4.47 KB


I am passing the contributor value as parameter from first graph

how do I resolve this I want to have drill down of the 8227 records shown in first graph

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