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I have a scenario where I run a Report as Active Report and ...

Kristi Carter

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I have a scenario where I run a Report as Active Report and then have the option to drill to another report. The report that runs only has one row and all the columns on the report make it so a scroll bar shows up to scroll back and forth.

Since this scroll bar shows up, when I try to click on the value to drill to the next report the scroll bar pops up instead and I cant click on the drill value.

Is there a way to make the Row height taller, or maybe shorten the Scroll bar height Or any other suggestions

Note: This is using Info Assist for WebFOCUS 8206 with the below setting for the Active Report:



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I just tried the subfooter scenario. I created a Define field, which is just blank. and added that to my main dataset, so I can pull that field into my report and do a subfooter based on that field. It seems to make it give just enough height where I can click on the value now.

I am still curious on any other suggestions, but for now I believe this workaround will work for my needs.


Kristi CArter

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