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When we use Chrome to view App Studio output, it will prompt...

Justin Thomas 2

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Hi Justin

Welcome to myibi, it is a great place to get answers to your development questions!

In the WebFOCUS administration console under Application Settings / BI Portal there are a several settings for Session Timeout (Default 120 minutes), Enable Automatic Sign-out (default is enabled) , and Idle Timeout message duration (Default 2 minutes). You might want to check what your site settings are for these.

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When we use Chrome to view App Studio output, it will prompt us for our credentials if we have things set run new requests in a new tab and we keep the same browser instance open for a certain period of time. Im not sure how long it takes before a new requests prompts for credentials. It seems like it takes about two minutes. At first, the results for a new requests appear in a new tab, but after a couple of minutes when we submit a new request, the WebFOCUS Home Page log in screen appears in the new tab asking for credentials. If we provide credentials we get an error. I changed the the Timeout settings in our App Studio environment properties, but this did not have any impact.
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  • 10 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
WebFOCUS client expects session token for each request. if there is no session token the request will be considered as unauthenticated request and WebFOCUS will redirect to login page. App studio and Web Browser sessions are different . If you use the internal viewer it wont prompt but if you use browser for output it will prompt for the first time. As long as the browser keeps the session info it wont prompt. if you have settings in the browser to clear session when close the browser or Each instance of browser tab as separate session then the request will not have session info and prompt again. the settings needs to be fixed on the browser.
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Given that the instance of Chrome used for viewing App Studio output is installed with App Studio and separate from the instance of Chrome I use for Internet access on my pc, Im not sure how to change setting in the version of Chrome called by App Studio. Somehow, this is not a problem with Internet Explorer, and it was not an issue we experienced with Chrome until Sept/Oct 2021.
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Appstudio install doesnt contain any third party applications. it will just use the existing browsers in the system. you can change the path of browsers in the Output viewer settings --> Browser setup. try to use chrome path as your PC and check if it make any difference


image.png1133611 25.1 KB

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I guess I was thinking mostly of the drivers, which are located in the App Studio install bin. We updated our Selenium modules and Chrome driver in the bin folder, and the session continued to timeout on us. When Chrome opens to display output, there is a message that tells us Chrome is being controlled by software. The instance of Chrome that is opened by App Studio does not inherit the any of the settings that normally exist when we open Chrome. In other words, every time App Studio opens Chrome, it is a new instance without the default settings for Security and Privacy (where Cookies are not allowed).
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We opened the same case a few months back. Ironically, we received the below response today:

To preserve the WebFOCUS session in App Studio, you need to adjust the ping interval setting:





At run time, the user will be able to run the report in same browser session if he doesnt exceed the BI Portal Session Timeout between 2 portal access.

WebFOCUS always redirects the user to the configured Authentication provider when there is no session cookies in the request.

I havent tried the suggestion yet, but I thought I would go ahead and share.

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Well, I just updated my Selenium and Chrome drivers according to the instructions in the 8207 App Studio user guide, and was receiving an error that referenced dotnet_35. I replaced the net40 files with net35 files, and we can use Chrome as an output viewer again. We are still experiencing the time out issue, though. Changing the Ping Interval doesnt seem to have any impact on our system.
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