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Ian Dalton

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About Ian Dalton

  • Birthday 02/02/1952

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  1. Thanks Clayton - that works but I wanted a more interactive version like this ........ https://docs.tibco.com/webfocus/921/doc/html/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibi.help.admin%2Fsource%2Fwf_variables123.htm
  2. I clicked on KnowledgeBase / Docs but got this ......
  3. Can someone advise what this link is please ?
  4. Thanks Toby - will check it all out. Ian Dalton Consultant Settlement and Trust Fund Operations Lloyd's of London Telephone +44 (0)1634 392649 Mobile +44 (0)7879 278903 www.lloyds.com Classification: Confidential
  5. What are the rules and where does it explain how you set up individual user profiles ?
  6. Hi Toby, Yes I think I do over use -RUN but as you say it does fix things from time to time. We are on 9.0.04. I have also had a few issues with .EVAL. In addition, we've found you need to often put SET BYDISPLAY=OFF (which I thought was the default) in lots of programs to avoid the SORT field being repeated unnecessarily.
  7. Thanks Toby for your comments - interesting re .EVAL as we have it dotted about in our code here at Lloyd's too. Also I'm glad Walter is a fan of ASIS too as it does the trick. I take note of your comments re -RUN - I do use them to much but didn't realize DM commands are run right away. Good to know !!
  8. Thanks David - good to know - glad I came across the ASIS subroutine - do you know of a link that explains DM fully including all functions ?
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