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Is there a way, in InfoAssist, to add a single leading zero ...

Douglas Lee 2

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Create a Reporting Object and put the SET command in the preprocessing. Then have users create their reports using the Reporting Objects instead.

There are very few SET commands available in InfoAssist but I think the RO alternative opens a lot of doors to those of us who need to fine tune the reports with SET commands. Alternatively, if this is going to apply to all reports, why not set it in the edasprof

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If you do not mind having an additional FEX then put all the SET statements, DEFAULT values, etc., in a manually created FEX. Then Include the report created in the InfoAssist. This will eliminates altering InfoAssist report manually and adding values to the edasprof.
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I agree that we cannot -INCLUDE in the InfoAssist. My suggestion was to include the InfoAssist report inside a manually created FEX doing the preprocessing.





-INCLUDE IBFS:/WFC/Repository/xyz/InfoAssistReport.fex

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Youre right, I mixed up the two,

I can suggest the following method which is more customizable: try and set it in WF Client site.wfs conditionally,

If the user saves all these reports which should display CENT-ZERO=ON in a specific folder in BIP or use a naming convention when saving the procedure which would indicate he wants to use this feature.

In WF Client admin console -> client settings -> site profile you could add

-INCLUDE to a fex

In this procedure which runs every time a report is being executed you could add different tests so for example use Dialogue Manager to test IF &IBIMR_domain contains the name of the folder then SET CENT-ZERO=ON else it would be OFF.

or if the fex name for example contains czero_on you can set it behind the scenes for the user.

A list of available parameters can be retrieved by:

- &

The advantage of this method is that you can utilize various variables which exist on the WF client side during runtime,

If you wish to use &IBIMR_domain then you have to export it,

MR_BASE_DIR should also include the full path and fex name.

In WF client admin console- custom settings: use the SET command in-between <>

SET IBIMR_domain(pass)


Then in the included fex in site profile you could use the following:





I hope this helps,



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