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Is there a limit on the size of a document, EX: csv file, th...

Douglas Lee 2

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I miss the signature too. It made it a lot easier.

I searched through all the settings for my installation and cannot find anything specific to the size of the library. However, I did see this in a very very old support case that might still apply. If youve run into a limit you may need to call ibi tech support to get the official answer though. From what I see, its only limited by the DBMS used for the repository. Heres what I saw:

"The max blob size is really specific to each database type, sqlserver, oracle,

etc. The blob is just the stored report, and we dont have hard and fast limits

for report size.

In actuality, look at the description of the ReportCaster table where the

report is stored, it is defined as a BLOB type. Any limitation is imposed by

the specs of the RDBMS where the data type is specified."

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I found the same thing as @nycbabak. Limited by your BLOB size in your database.

Is there a size limit for storing object in Report Library

Be aware that this is before the time we were working at Ford together - this article is from the end of 2008 but it seems to still hold true.

There are some sizing guidelines in the installation manual, but I cant really make sense of what its saying.


image.png793802 72.8 KB


So you can see in here - BOTLIST has the list of files in your library that wont take much room since its just a list of reports with pointers to the actual report output which is contained primarily in BOTLIB which is a BLOB.

Guess if you guys are running Oracle for example (I forgot what you guys use), your DBA might be able to tell you more if they know your table is made up of a BLOBs.


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