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Has anyone had problem with a WebFOCUS report being embedded...

Jay Potter

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Has anyone had problem with a WebFOCUS report being embedded in a 3rd party application (Salesforce) I have several WebFOCUS reports that run from a Salesforce button, that open a new window when calling a WebFOCUS report. I havent had any problems with this.

I have one report that is embedded inside a Salesforce frame. This has been running fine for 2 months. It just stopped working when using Chrome, but it does work when using EDGE.

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I would suspect a Chrome update is the cause of your report suddenly not working.

Have had several issues where WebFOCUS started having issues in Chrome but not in other browsers.

Check and see if you have a new version of Chrome, then check with Tech support and see if they can help you with a workaround or if it is a known issue they may be working on a patch.

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Thanks for the info.

I do have the latest version of chrome. I have put in a support ticket. We will see if they will help me. They always have an out, because unless the user doesnt auto update, the user is always has a newer version than they certify. I just found out that it works with the newer EDGE and not the older EDGE, which is interesting.

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