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Set a default value in a reporting object

Erin Trotter
Go to solution Solved by David Beagan ,

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Is it possible to set a default value in a reporting object.  I'm using WebFocus version 9.1.1.  I have some reports that I needed to load while I have the parameter panel in the background still processing.  I set the parameters in the reporting object as optional, but one in particular (year) I guess defaults to all in the reporting object when not selected.  I would like to default it to the latest year so that if a user clicks a report while the parameter panel is still loading, it does not pull in 5 years of data.  We don't even want to display this much data temporarily.


I tried to add -DEFAULTH &YEAR = '2024' in the preprocessing part.  It doesn't do anything.  I also have had no luck on finding any documentation on how this might be possible or much documentation on the reporting object at all beyond the basics of it

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  • Solution

In WebFOCUS 9.10, I created a reporting object, and then a report in the reporting object with a parameter &REGION.


In the reporting object's Preprocessing Other I put in a default for the parameter variable.


When I run it I get the Prompt with Northeast filled in. And then can run the report from there.

Or if I change the Proprocessing to -DEFAULTH and run the reporting object then it runs and filter for Northeast.

I wonder if it could be a bug with your release of WebFOCUS or maybe you are using it in a different way.





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15 hours ago, Erin Trotter said:

I tried to add -DEFAULTH &YEAR = '2024' in the preprocessing part.  It doesn't do anything.  I also have had no luck on finding any documentation on how this might be possible or much documentation on the reporting object at all beyond the basics of it

The "problem" is the DEFAULTthe H wil prevent any prompting - it stands for HIDDEN - so Davids sample should work perfect 

I create a sample video on Reporting Object and Designer a while back



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