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In iWay integration tool (8.0.6), is it possible de call for a regex backreference within an _xpath function call ? 
For instance:
I found that the back reference is accessible with $1. It works fine outside the xpath.
For instance 
regex(_sreg('SupannEmpProfil',''),'\\[affect=([0-9A-Z]+)\\]',$1) works. It works also with a _concat function. 
In this way, 
It doesn't work as well event if the xpath request is well constructed. 
the result is:  [affect=]
An example for the attribute SupannEmpProfil:
Thanks by advance for any help
Best regards


When calling multiple IFL (iWay Functional Language) functions it is best practivce to use _concat(). Try removing the multiple _concat() calls. Instead use the IFL you are concatinating in separate special registers then use a single _concat with the defined special registers i.e. _concat(_sreg(myregex),_sreg(myaffact), _sreg(myxpath),_sreg(mybackref)...)

Note: _concat - Concatenate any number of items. Operators are not evaluated.

Hope this helps.


Posted (edited)


Thanks a lot for your answer. 

Actually i don't kown how to put the backreference as a special register, as it works only within the regexp. Within the _concat $1 is well interpreted, problem is within the _xpath. Also the xpath request is based on the backreference so i don't if it is possible to set it in the register before calling the _regexp.

Using something close to one _concat is contructing the text of the whole _xpath call and then using _eval but even if the request is well construted, the _eval doen't execute the _xpath. So actually i don't know how the _eval function really work. 

Anyway thanks again for your help

Best regards

Edited by nadir

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