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Monitoring iWay 9.2 Applications with Prometheus


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iWay's 9.2 release offers Prometheus monitoring support. By using Prometheus together with Grafana, users are now able to construct dashboards for monitoring iWay applications, like below.


Each iSM configuration exposes Prometheus metrics from the configuration's web console port. The URI to access the metrics is http://[host]:[web console port]/metrics.


In addition to JVM metrics, such as CPU and memory usage, iWay Service Manager also exposes some iWay specific metrics for measuring and monitoring component performance. Below is a list of iWay specific metrics.

iway_master_freeWorkers - tracks the number of free workers per listener, for example

iway_master_freeWorkers{name="file1:inlet.1:listener.1",protocol="file",} 1.0
iway_master_freeWorkers{name="api:upload",protocol="nhttp",} 5.0

iway_worker_latency_seconds - measures the time it takes for a worker to process a message, for example

iway_worker_latency_seconds_max{name="file1:inlet.1:listener.1",protocol="file",} 0.024227201
iway_worker_latency_seconds_count{name="file1:inlet.1:listener.1",protocol="file",} 4.0
iway_worker_latency_seconds_sum{name="file1:inlet.1:listener.1",protocol="file",} 0.0316878

iway_master_inprocess - tracks the number of messages currently being processed by a listener, for example

iway_master_inprocess{name="file1:inlet.1:listener.1",protocol="file",} 0.0
iway_master_inprocess{name="api:upload",protocol="nhttp",} 0.0

iway_master_failed_total - tracks the total number of failed messages processed by a listener, for example

iway_master_failed_total{name="file1:inlet.1:listener.1",protocol="file",} 1.0
iway_master_failed_total{name="api:upload",protocol="nhttp",} 0.0

iway_master_completed_total - tracks the total number of messages successfully processed by a listener, for example

iway_master_completed_total{name="file1:inlet.1:listener.1",protocol="file",} 3.0
iway_master_completed_total{name="api:upload",protocol="nhttp",} 0.0

Enabling Prometheus support via iWay will allow administrators to monitor and access both iWay Deployed Instances and overall health of the iWay Applications framework.

Edited by Artem
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