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Pass parameters to a Visualization from a different report page

Erin Trotter
Go to solution Solved by David Beagan ,

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Hello everyone.  I am looking for a way to pass a parameter to a report page from within another page.  So, I have an HTML page made in App Studio and it has a subdivision parameter.  Then I have a visualization page for something else, but it also can take in a subdivision parameter (it also has a parameter selection box on the visualization page)...   However, I want to add a button to the page in App Studio that will open the visualization and have the subdivision that was selected on the HTML page, also be selected on the visualization page when it opens.  I am using WebFocus 8.207 though, is it possible?  I have tried adding the parameter to the end of the URL for the visualization like ?&SUBDIVISION = XXXX, but I get an error saying:

Path contains filtering characters not accepted by IBFS action
I tried without the question mark, and the page loads, but the filter is not selected.
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Coincidentally, I was just starting to do something very similar to this. My solution works in my WebFOCUS 9.1.0. Essentially it passes the parameter as part of the calling URL, just like you tried. However, I did it indirectly with a fex that has an -HTMLFORM with an HTML <form>. 

The URL was something like this:


Maybe this doesn't work in WebFOCUS 8.2.07, or maybe you formed your URL differently.

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