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Asuka Tsuda

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I found "IBI_CSRF_REFERER_MATCH_DOMAIN" in event.log in WebFOCUS 9.0.4.

[2023-08-29 00:00:59,505] INFO [com.ibi.monitor.WFContextListener:ApplicationValues] - Application config parameter: IBI_CSRF_REFERER_MATCH_DOMAIN (WFConfigVarList), value=TRUE

What does this parameter mean?

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Thanks for the quick response.

I looked at THE SECURITY MANUAL and found a description of the following settings, but no mention of "IBI_CSRF_REFERER_MATCH_DOMAIN".




I know Cross-site request forgery.

What is the effect of enabling "IBI_CSRF_REFERERER_MATCH_DOMAIN"?

What is the difference between the above three settings?

In addition, is there a way to disable it?

Best regards,

Asuka Tsuda

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