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App Studio 9.2.1 and HTML Canvas Error

Doug Monson

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I'm having and issue with App Studio 9.2.1 connecting to our WebFOCUS 9.2.1 environment. After providing credentials to login, I see a message stating -

"Warning: potential problem working with localhost.

The environment being connected to does not have updated

files required for proper functioning of the HTML Canvas.

Please contact your WebFOCUS administrator for more

information regarding this warning"

I never get logged into App Studio. Has anyone experienced this? Any resolution?



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Thanks for the reply Patrick. This turned out to be a problem I created.

I'm installing WF for a customer with the Dev and QA environments on the same image. I originally installed with a single instance of Tomcat and created the context roots of 'ibi_apps_dev' and 'ibi_apps_qa'. We later decided to install a second instance of Tomcat so we could have each environment use the default context root of 'ibi_apps'.

After installing the second instance of Tomcat, I changed the names of the Tomcat xml files in the respective Tomcat instances but I forgot to change the default context root configured in the ibiWebFOCUS92configinstall.cfg file. The following variable declaration in the install.cfg file initially had 'ibi_apps_dev'. When I changed it to 'ibi_apps' and restarted Tomcat, App Studio was able to connect successfully --


Lesson learned. Thanks for reaching out.


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