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How can i get a MAX, MIN and a Avg line in a bar chart

Merin Joseph
Go to solution Solved by David Beagan ,

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Yes - I know. But I think that you are not looking for a trend but an aggregation on the overall level of data. this could be done using partition aggregation - just create compute fields and use the function to build your calculations as described here


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You can use reference lines to produce something like this:

(code is below)image.thumb.png.c8bfb36e1daec5b5a506b4197dca1fa5.png

TABLE FILE ggsalesSUM UNITS BY STON TABLE HOLD AS bystateENDTABLE FILE bystateSUM MIN.UNITS AS 'MIN' AVE.UNITS AS 'AVE' MAX.UNITS AS 'MAX'ON TABLE SET ASNAMES ONON TABLE HOLD AS LINEVALSEND-RUN-DEFAULTH &MIN = 0;-DEFAULTH &AVE = 0;-DEFAULTH &MAX = 0;-READFILE LINEVALS GRAPH FILE ggsalesSUM UNITSBY STON GRAPH PCHOLD FORMAT JSCHARTON GRAPH SET LOOKGRAPH BARON GRAPH SET AUTOFIT ONON GRAPH SET STYLE *INCLUDE=IBFS:/FILE/IBI_HTML_DIR/ibi_themes/Warm.sty,$TYPE=DATA, COLUMN=N1, BUCKET=x-axis, $TYPE=DATA, COLUMN=N2, BUCKET=y-axis, $*GRAPH_JS"referenceLines": [ {"value": &MIN, "axis": "y", "line": {"color": "red", "width": 3, "dash": "dash"}, "label": {"text": "Minimum ", "color":"black", "font": "bold 10pt Sans-Serif"}, "anchor": "start", "showValue": true }, {"value": &AVE, "axis": "y", "line": {"color": "red", "width": 3, "dash": "dash"}, "label": {"text": "Average ", "color":"black", "font": "bold 10pt Sans-Serif"}, "anchor": "start", "showValue": true }, {"value": &MAX, "axis": "y", "line": {"color": "red", "width": 3, "dash": "dash"}, "label": {"text": "Maximum ", "color":"black", "font": "bold 10pt Sans-Serif"}, "anchor": "start", "showValue": true },]*ENDENDSTYLEEND
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It is very useful that the text of the reference line handles HTML code. Based on the example I previously provided, I was able to do a tooltip:

 image.png.fa663b6a3f7569a56fa3cb0c5f1143a4.pngBy using this code for a refernce line.

"referenceLines": [ {"value": &MIN, "axis": "y", "line": {"color": "red", "width": 3, "dash": "dash"}, "label": {"text": "<a title=' Min=&MIN' href='' style=color:orange;font-size:15pt;><br>&|#9632;</a>", "color":"black", "font": "bold 10pt Sans-Serif"}, "anchor": "start", "showValue": false },
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