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We have Webfocus Enterpise Edition 8.2 Service Pack 4.Please guide us where we can find the list of compatible Apache Tomcat versions and JRE.

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Current Configuration:

Webfocus Enterpise Edition 8.2 Service Pack 4

Apache tomcat 8.5.32

JRE 1.8.0_191. 

Upgrade Planned: 

1) Apache Tomcat from 8.5.32 to 10.1.7

2) Java Runtime Environment 1.8.0_191 to 1.8.0_371

Further, please let us know whether any specific guidelines has to be followed for upgrading


Hi Madhavan

Not sure what you exact version is?

you might want to run


to share this info

In general the product release notes or readme will show the supported versions of Apache and Tomcat

here's the doc for 8207 27



Main doc page for other versions


Depending on your version it will support Tomcat 8.x or 9.x (or both) 10 is not yet supported.

For Java depending on your version WebFOCUS will support Java 8 or 11 - 1.8.0_371 should be ok



Hi Patrick,

Thank you for very quick response.

I am not sure about the REL command. Please add more details. So that, i can run and share. However, below is the snippet of the information provided in version.cfg file.

gen_num = 1127

irel = 8200M

release = M728200D

source_date = 02/21/2018 10:19:35

gen_build_date = 02/21/2018 17:48:50

gen_build_date_utc = 02/21/2018 22:48:50

buildsys = Windows NT-6.3 X86_64 64bit

supportsys = Windows x86_64 64bit

Please let me know whether this gives us the exact product version. If so, please let me know whether it will support Apache 9.X

Thank you in Advance!!

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