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webfocus 8204 is compatibile with which recent version of sql server?

Kartik Katyal

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  • 2 weeks later...


Are you asking if WebFOCUS 8204 can access the latest version of SQL Server as a data source or use it as the WebFOCUS repository?

As a general rule, older versions of WebFOCUS can access newer versions of SQL Server but may not be able to take advantage of the latest enhancements to the newer version of SQL Server. This is because older versions of WebFOCUS also use an older communication layer that may not be able to understand any new enhancements to SQL Server.

In 8204, SQL Server 2016, 2014, 2012, and 2008 are supported for the WebFOCUS repository. SQL Server 2017 and 2019 might work but if you have any issues you may not get support since I don't believe 8204 was tested using those versions. Also for a SQL Server repository, the database collation must be case sensitive (CS).


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