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Can you use a reporting object to restrict columns available to users when they open it as an InfoAssist report.


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I've had a look through documentation and created a few and reporting objects trying to achieve this but can't see how it can be done, apologies if silly question.

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HI James, can you provide more information?

Are you creating a report directly opened by another InfoAssist user or are you placing the report into a Page & Portal to be accessed in a read-only format?

An example of the code or explanation of the type of column might help you get an answer, too.

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I just created a reportig object. Then I made a new InfoAssist report from it. It looks like the Reporting Object does not restrict the fields, it allows any field available in the underlying metadata. It would be nice if there was a property you could select to restrict the fields to just those in the Reporting Object, but I didn't see any such property.

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I agree, would be good if you could restrict the fields when setting up reporting objects.

I am restricting the different fields available to different users via creating new master files pointing at the same dataset. The property to hide the fields is then visible as ACCESS_PROPERTY(INTERNAL) which I think you probably know (Martin showed me that).

I then create business views on those master files to get the folder structure then create the reporting objects on those views.

That's how I do it, not sure if more efficient way.


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It's an overall approach thing really I think, but say for example I want users to be able to create their own InfoAssist reports using Reporting Objects and they have appropriate access to everything.

Say you want 2 users to be allowed different access to different columns on the same master file, I wasn't sure if you could just leave the master file as it is and limit the access via giving users access to different reporting objects(with specific columns in each Reporting Object).

My approach at moment is to

1) create different master files pointing to same dataset,

2) create separate business views, 1 for each of those master files (I don't think ACCESS_PROPERTY=INTERNAL available when creating a business view), to get folder structure.

3) create reporting object on the business view.

I was just wondering if you could limit column access in reporting object may be a bit easier to set up and maintain. I am thinking I am probably not doing it the most efficient way.

Logically, in my mind, I was thinking of a business view kind of like a sql view to limit columns or rows users have access to (DBA security I know can help with this in WF) but if I am understanding right you can't do that in a WF business view so wasn't sure if done in master file or reporting object. I hope that makes sense, I can put together an example with a few columns in it if you like.

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