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A questions regarding Webfocus Restful report LIST_REPOSITORYTREE

Roberto Trevino

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I am using this report to get a list of all the folders in each repository in our webfocus environment.

I noticed that when I run it, all the folders are displayed except 'My Documents' folders of other users in each repository.

The user account I am using is an admin level account and normally I can see all the users 'My Documents' folder as well mine in each repository when I am in the Webfocus Home Page or the Desktop tool App Studio.

Is there a setting, either in the report or in master file that will give me full access to view all the folders?

Webfocus 8207.28.06

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I did some testing and it looks like, even thou I have admin level rights, when I view a 'Repository Folder' I can only see the Standard Reports, Reporting Objects, My Content (my personal folder), and Other Files and the contents of those folders.

If other users have a 'My Content' folder it does not appear on the list, unless either at least one file or the folder is marked 'Shared'.

It is marked with the type 'MemoryVirtualFolder'.

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