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Hello, In WF_REPOSOBJ what is the best way to get what the different OBJTYPEs represent please. Thanks


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Hi James

Sign in to your client and see if this works for you.


If it works, you should see an output something like this - pay attention to the column just titled 'N'.


In case that doesn't work for you, here's the list (tab delimted so you can copy/paste to a spreadsheet):

Name OBJTYPEunknownType 0IBFSFolder 1WebFOCUSEnvironmentRoot 2WebFOCUSComponent 3IBFSFile 4ReposStructure 90MRUserRelated 99MRRepository 100MRFolder 101ROFexFile 102StyFile 103UserProfile 104ProfileFile 105HelpFile 106CssFile 107TempFile 108FexFile 109HtmlFile 110DeferredTicket 111DeferredOutput 112CasterSchedule 113CasterAccessList 114CasterDistributionList 115BroadcastFile 116URLFile 117CasterLibrary 118MyReportFolder 119VisualDiscoveryFile 120LinkItem 121MRFavoritesFolder 122CasterLibraryX 123SessionTempFolder 124UserTempFolder 125MRPortalFolder 126WhatIfFile 127Property 128PGXBundle 130Manifest 131PRTLXBundle 132Parameter 140RecycleBin 190RecycleBag 191cfgFolder 201cfgFile 202cfgVariable 203SecurityProvider 210Session 280UserFile 301User 302Group 303Role 304PermissionSet 305Rule 306Operations 307RuleSet 308Privilege 309ExternalGroup 320ExternalUser 321EDANode 401SynonymFile 402WEBFile 501WEBFolder 502MemoryVirtualFolder 601PersistentVirtualFolder 602Template 701AnnotationContainer 800AnnotationEntry 801BipPortalsObject 5000BipPortalsSubArea 5001BipPortalsPortal 5002BipPortalsPage 5003BipPortalsFolder 5004BipPortalsOther 5005BipPortalsDetachedPages 5006BIPWFCPortalItem 6000BIPWFCPortalPageItem 6001

Hopefully that helps!


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