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WebFOCUS 8207.28 - App Studio Error Message

Paul Mueller 2

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I am helping a colleague install the 8207.28 release - there are 3 separate files (this is new to me as in the past we had one piece).

After helping him install all 3 pieces (client, reporting server, and App studio), I was trying to get him set up with App Studio and are getting this error message


There were no errors when each piece was installed, so we weren't sure why this is happening.

When we went to the directory where you can do the command START SECURITY ON and START SECURITY OFF - we tried to start and it said it was running, we tried to stop and got the same thing (command box opens and says it is running).

We have removed the reporting server, rebooted, and then reinstalled it, but the same thing is happening.

We can't figure out what to do in App Studio in order for it to recognize that the reporting server is running.

Any help would be appreciated.


Paul Mueller

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Are all 3 components on the same workstation or server Is this a new install or did you upgrade It is not necessary to install the WFC and WFRS if you have an environment to connect to, dev, uat, prod, etc. You likely need to add the remote environment to the AS configuration
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