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Hello. I have recently replaced all the active X controls s...

Deana Goeken

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Hello. I have recently replaced all the active X controls so my users application will run in Chrome. Yesterday I tried to open the Web Console in Chrome. It just returns an empty page. Is there something I can do to open the console using Chrome. Migrating my app to a newer version of WebFOCUS is not an option at this time.

Thank you,


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Toby, thank you for your response.

Naeem, clearing cache did not allow the page to load. However, dev tools does now print out the following errors, which it was not before.

application.js:10 Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation

at application.js:10:12287

VM9:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading start)

at eval (eval at (bcstart.html:14:3), :1:13)

at bcstart.html:25:3

Any other ideas

Thank you

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Hi Deana

Did you try old IE 11 Id give that a shot to see how it goes. That browser is supported (I think) for your version. The current version of Chrome will not be officially supported (it didnt exist back when 7703 was around).

Try Edge too even though these days Edge works using the same engine as Chrome.

Support will ask you if any browsers are working.

Is anyone able to get in to see anything at all You might find that you need to downgrade your version of Java that the client machine is running.

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Good morning, the page does load in IE 11 as expected. Unfortunately, I need to stay with 7.7.03 at this point. I was trying to use Chrome because IEs upcoming end of life. The only errors dev tools outputs are

application.js:10 Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation

at application.js:10:12287

VM9:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading start)

at eval (eval at (bcstart.html:14:3), :1:13)

at bcstart.html:25:3rd_place_medal:

The //server/ibi_apps page and the actual application successfully run in Chrome. The only issues with the application in Chrome are related to the browsers cache settings. Once the cache settings are updated, the application runs correctly. I am the only person who uses the web console (which opens bcstart.html). I have tried Edge. It also loads the empty page.

The application and the //server/ibi_apps page both use https. The bcstart.html page does not. It will not open but redirects to a page indicating the page cannot be loaded in IE, Chrome or Edge.

I will open a case.

Thank you for all the suggestions. I appreciate it.

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