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Im reading the Developing Reporting Applications manual. ...

Evan Brown 2

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Im reading the Developing Reporting Applications manual. The manual indicates I can dynamically add an html table to the html page by creating a file like " ON TABLE HOLD FORMAT HTMTABLE AS FILENAME" in my fex, then it says to place !IBI.FIL.FILENAME; in the html page and it will display that table. My question is, where in the GUI do I add the !IBI.FIL.FILENAME; language I know on like text fields I can just settings and add the value !IBI.AMP.TEXTFIELD; and it will display, but Im not sure of what object I need to be using and where to add !IBI.FIL.FILENAME; Any ideas Really trying to develop html pages in the GUI so we can have support. Thanks!
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When you hold the report as HTML file it will create temp hold file in memory. then add the html code and you can include the file where ever you want.

i added in body of the HTML. you can also include it in between tags or any html tags and use the stylesheet to format the report.

When you hold the report as HTML file it will create temp hold file in memory. then add the html code and you can include the file where ever you want.

i added in body of the HTML. you can also include it in between

tags or any html tags and use the stylesheet to format the report.


image.png591754 23.7 KB

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Thank you for your response. Im building my html pages with the GUI. I dont know how to add (from your example) !IBI.FIL.RPRT2; to my html page using the GUI.

Ive tried making a simple fex like you have beginning with HTMLFORM BEGIN, then add that fex to my Requests and Data Sources tab, then drag that onto my html page, but nothing appears in the frame on the page when I run. I also put this fex in my load Task and Animation tab.

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If you check the output format


This command will create the output in HTML format and hold it in the memory .


here FILENAME is RPRT2 So !IBI.FIL.RPRT2; will access get the file and write it in the HTML.

I have used procedure didnt use HTML GUI.

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I believe the output format should be HTMTABLE, not just HTML - it may work that way but thats not the documented process.

Not sure what youre trying to do in the HTML page - can you just include the report fex in a frame If not, wed need more info or an example to reply better. Theres no good way to include the !IBI values in the GUI that I can recall

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