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Can anyone provide the documentation for Authentication with...

vi .

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I have done this few years back for one of the clients and here are few high level details.

In WebFOCUS Client

Admin Console > Security > Enable OpenID Connect Authentication

you will have to provide the endpoint urls from you keyclock configuration

Make sure you set the Root User and alternate authentication for you form based

In Keyclock

Create a Realm

from config > realm settings Enable the Realm

from config> clients> create client id make sure it is enabled and Client protocol set to Openid

you will have to set the root url, Redirect URL, Base url, admin url, web origins

for root url - /

for redirect url - https://domain/ibi_apps/service/wf_openidconnect_servlet.jsp - you may have to check on the exact url

base url - http://domain/ibi_apps

admin url - same as base url

web-origins - http://domain - without the ibi_apps

From the credentials tab

set the client authenticator - client id and secrect

Regenerate the sceret code and copy

From Config > identity providers > enable the oidc - under the openid connect config

copy authorization url/token url/logout url - which will be used in the webfocus admin console>security> Openid connect

in the same oidc provide the clientid and the client sceret

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