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Hi Folks, I am getting error while I am creating an adapter ...

vi .

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We need more info to see if we can help you with your question.



What error are you getting



Can you reach your DB with other Mongo/JDBC tools



Have you Read The FOCUS Manual:

TIBCO WebFOCUS Adapter Administration Release 8207 November 2021

Chapter 67, Page 1659 - Using the Adapter for MongoDB



Let us know about some of those questions - screenshots are good too if youre not sure exactly what to say.

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Thanks Toby for quick response

Yes was able to connect Mongo from Compass tool, I want through this manual TIBCO WebFOCUS Adapter Administration Release 8207 November 2021

I had followed every step which are suggested in the document but still I am not able to connect to Mongo db.

below is the alert screen shot which I am getting while testing the connection.


image.png1382653 29.7 KB

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Thanks! Your screenshot might help a lot.

As we can see, Mongo DB is using the mysql jdbc4 driver. Searching for that error message, I found some good debugging tips you could try on stackoverflow:

com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure

Unfortunately I dont have any specific knowledge to help you with this - but maybe the stackoverflow people do

Hopefully that article at least gives you a few things to try.

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