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I configured single sign (JEE Container Based Authentication...

Tim Easley

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I configured single sign (JEE Container Based Authentication) on my production platform and it works great for Edge and Chrome. However FireFox users (for some reason we have a lot) are now required to enter credentials twice to get signed in. Just checking to see if anyone else has encountered this and discovered any brilliant solutions. Even if they only had to enter credentials once, that would be considered a win.


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it seems like NTLM is not enabled by default in the Firefox . user has to enable it manually or it can be pushed through group policy.

Manual update


Group Policy




Specops Software 14 May 18





Using Firefox Enterprise GPOs to Enable Windows Integrated Authentication to...


Mozilla recently launched Firefox 60, which now includes official support for configuration via Active Directory Group Policies. For customers using...


Est. reading time: 2 minutes











I dont have environment to test so you may have to try this on your system.

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