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Hello, We have a 508 compliance issue we are trying to resol...

Paul Mueller 2

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We have a 508 compliance issue we are trying to resolve.

I put a gif image on the first page on a PDF report as a cover page that shows the user that the information to follow is confidential. The problem I am having is that to make it 508 compliant there needs to be alternate text that can be read by our software called JAWS (screen reader) so folks who are not able to see the computer will have it read to them.

Since I am not able to use Alt Text on a PDF (that I know of, and it hasnt worked as I have tried it so far), I am attempting to add some text to the same page as the gif image by adding text in a SUBHEAD, or a HEADING, or a FOOTING and then making the text WHITE so it cant be seen, but can be read by a screen reader for 508 compliance.

At this point the person testing the compliance says that it is only reading 2 lines of the text (there is actually about 8 or 9 lines of text) but it stops after only 2 lines and then goes on to the actual report on the next page.

I am not sure what else to try as I have exhausted a lot of different things (making image smaller on the page so there appears to be more space on the page for it to read the text, trying different tactics as mentioned above SUBHEAD - HEADING - FOOTING, trying to put the text all on one line, trying to break the text up into multiple lines, etc).

Any help would be appreciated.


Paul Mueller

p.s. when I run the report and save it, then open it in Edge (Edge has a button to read aloud) and that works just fine - all text is read - but I guess a more robust tool for 508 compliance is more sophisticated.

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