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I was wondering if anyone had successfully integrated Data M...

Anthony Miller

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I was wondering if anyone had successfully integrated Data Migrator with the ActiveBatch scheduler. I have been doing some research on the CMRUN.exe command line tool, but I dont know the best method of integrating the two products so that my ActiveBatch plan could kick off a Data Migrator job.
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Hi Anthony

Welcome to myibi!! I found this on the techsupport site showing it is possible to use cmrun with ActiveBatch.


cmrun0:R1_ENVSTP_INIT error - r1envstp: r1cfgini: cannot read config file


User receives the error message above running a CMRUN job from an ActiveBatch program.


This issue occurred because the ActiveBatch program was not using an ID, used to execute the Windows profile, that had all of the necessary variables needed for the CMRUN command to operate.

The ID used to access the Operating System must have the following environment variables set up prior to the CMRUN call:

SET EDAHOME=C:ibisrv77home

SET EDACONF=C:ibisrv77dm

SET PATH=C:ibisrv77homebin;%PATH%

SET EDACS3=C:ibisrv77dmetcodin.cfg

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