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Has anyone connected a Reporting Server on an iSeries to a d...

Justin Thomas 2

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Hi Justin

I havent done this in years.

I did find this article that might help though:

Unable to Make a DRDA Connection Due to Missing QSQCLIPKGx

Also maybe take a look at the 51002 described at Microsoft:

Common Errors


Reason: The server could not find the DB2 static SQL package required by the DB2 client to execute a dynamic SQL SELECT statement.



Action: Verify connection information to ensure the Package Collection value matches DB2 collection in which HIS 2010 packages are defined for execution by current user ID or PUBLIC. For more information, see topic on Package Collection.


Hopefully that will help.

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Has anyone connected a Reporting Server on an iSeries to a database on Windows We have the relational database directory in place, but are having trouble with the SQL connection string. This is the error message we are getting when we test the connection in the Reporting Server Console.
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