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Is anyone using the SOAP Protocol to get information from cl...

Trudy Last Name

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Sorry I mistyped the protocol, it is the SOAP protocol. We currently have an application installed on site that utilizes a SQLserver database that we report from. This application is being moved to the cloud and they wont allow us a connection in due to security concerns. So they said we could use their SOAP protocol to pull all the information down that we need to continue reporting.
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Hi Trudy

What version of WebFOCUS are you using In the older versions there is a SOAP adapter but in the newer versions REST is used now. They have to be licensed in order to activate.

PS. I saw you made two posts under different categories. All these categories are public so everyone sees them so there is no need to post the same question twice just choose the category that makes the most sense which in this case was the Administration and Internals

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