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Hello WF family, I have a question regarding migration from ...

Jan Vostr

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Hello WF family,

I have a question regarding migration from 8105m to 8207 specifically copying DB table with users UOA_USERS. Is it safe to overwrite the table from the 8105 to 8207 table I want users to have same password from the 8105 and I dont know if there is some different password encryption or some other issue.

Thanks a lot

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Hi Jan,

In case you are going to upgrade in-place (install a newer version of WebFOCUS on the same OS environment/machine) you can best follow the steps outlined in the WebFOCUS Installation and Configuration for Windows PDF available at https://webfocusinfocenter.informationbuilders.com/wfdesigner/pdfs7/wf_win_82install.pdf, pages 69 through 78. I followed (this part of) this manual several times in the last couple of year and I must say that for the more or less straightforward WF 8105m installations the list of steps outlined in the manual is as good as you need it to be. In case your WF 8105m installation is (heavily) tweaked, you may need IBI Tech Support to work out some errors that might come up during the upgrade.

The upgrade/migration utilities provided with WebFOCUS 8207 take care of the WebFOCUS 8105m UOA_USERS table and all of the other existing tables in the WebFOCUS Repository and enable them to work in WebFOCUS 8207.

But if you are not going to upgrade in-place, you practically have only one working option:

Ask your DBA to create a copy of the existing WebFOCUS 8105m Repository database, perform a clean WebFOCUS 8207 install on a new OS environment/machine, during the install refer to the existing WebFOCUS Repository (point to the new copy of the old database) and then follow the same pages from the Installation manual as already noted above.

The Change Management doesnt allow you to export and import the users and their passwords. You probably also wouldnt like the idea of having to create users manually again in WebFOCUS 8207 and also manually copy their passwords from the old UOA_USERS over to the new UOA_USERS table (as you already pointed out, password encryption has also changed in between these two versions).

Maybe you would also like to consider configuring WebFOCUS 8207 Security in such a way that you would utilise users login credentials in Active Directory or such and also in combination with Single Sign-On (SSO) you would make this even more user friendly.

Hope you made it to the end of this long reply and good luck with the upgrade, cheers!


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Hi Uro,

thank you for your answer. Ive already got the answer directly from IBI that yes, it has the same encryption so I can overwrite the data.

We did not upgrade 8105 directly, we have separate installation on 2nd machine with 8207 and the the copy of the table was already done from 8105 but we had some issues with 8207 since that we were waiting for patch from IBI that we can use 8207. It took some time so now I need to refresh the passwords from the current and used 8105 to 8207 which we will switch online in few days.

Thanks again.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi Uro,

I am in the process to upgrade from 8.1.05M to version.

Im not doing an Upgrade in-place but an Upgrade in a new Windows machine.

The upgrade/migration utility is very interesting.

Have you ever experienced it yourself

My question is :

Does this Windows script (db_inplace_update.bat) will migrate/convert all tables of the Repository from 8.1.05M to

I mean:


CONTENT (WF_$: 9 Tables),

PORTAL (BIP_$: 7 Tables),

REPORT CASTER (BOT$: 23 Tables),

SECURITY (UOA_$: 11 Tables),



Does that mean that I do not need to do CM Export/Import then



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Hi Chuck,

According to Uro:


The upgrade/migration utilities provided with WebFOCUS 8207 take care of the WebFOCUS 8105m UOA_USERS table and all of the other existing tables in the WebFOCUS Repository and enable them to work in WebFOCUS 8207.


It means to me that the WF Repository Tables content (from copy of the existing 8.1.05M database) should be there.

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