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Im upgrading from 8203 and notice starting in 8206 there ar...

john cullen

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Im upgrading from 8203 and notice starting in 8206 there are three new tables in the WebFOCUS repository. They have interesting names, and I would like to find out how they are used. My tables so far are empty, so Id also like to know what populates them. Anyone know What populates rpt_data, rpt_usage, rpt_metadata (how can I start populating those tables)
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I reached out to product management about this and these appear to be tables they were going to use but didnt. In the release notes for it says it is a known issue that they were not removed when the repository was updated See below

After running WFReposUtilCMDLine.bat or WFReposUtilCMDLine.sh, the RPT_DATA, RPT_METADATA, and RPT_USAGE tables are not getting dropped and are still available in the repository.

Here is the link to the release notes. https://kb.informationbuilders.com/topic/820628-release-notes

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