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I created a reporting object with some date filters and a re...

Tim Easley

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I created a reporting object with some date filters and a report based on this reporting object. I added this report to a Visualization, and added the filters, combining two date filters into one control. I would like to provide default dates for this control.

In the properties for the combined date control there are two Default value boxes in the Data Settings section and I tried manually entering dates using various formats in these default boxes with no luck.

Has anyone figured out how to provide defaults for a date filter control

Using version 8207.25


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Hi Tim,

Are you able to define the default dates in the processing other section of the reporting object In the example I created I added the following and this populated default dates on the visualisation. You would need to change the parameter names to those used in your filters.

-DEFAULT &C1_YMD_FROM = March 02 2020;

-DEFAULT &C1_YMD_TO = March 17 2021;

Many Thanks


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An additional question along with your suggestions. Most of the time when we have dates and need defaults, it is based on creating it dynamically based on todays date or another date. How would you suggest doing this dynamically based on the current date for example

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Thanks Brian, thats how I thought it was supposed to work. To answer Kristis question you would include a fex that dynamically gets the dates to set the parameters (commented out below). But even when I hard code them I get _FOC_NULL in the defaults.


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Hi Tim,

I think this is down to the date format or possibly NLS settings. My example used the field format YYMD.

You could create a blank fex and use the -TYPE &DEF_EARN_MIN command to display the value of the date parameter when one is manually selected. Then alter the default to suit. I didnt try to dynamically populate but will have a quick look now.



Ill post my findings on dynamic defaults shortly.

Many Thanks


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