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Im using a reporting object (RO) so that I can create filte...

Tim Easley

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Im using a reporting object (RO) so that I can create filters for a portal. When I update the underlying metadata with new columns (DEFINE) I am unable to immediately see those new columns when editing the RO to add new filters based on the new defined column in the metadata. Seems like if I wait a while they eventually appear but I would like to know if there is something I can do to force the RO editor to refresh its cache of column names. I saved the metadata changes before editing the RO, I tried deleting browser cache, running the RO, etc.

Currently working in 8207.25 but occurs in previous versions too.


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Thank you for your response Toby, that seemed to make it work.

Another thing that I noted, when I created the DEFINE column in the Table/Columns section and added the column to the Business View it did not appear until Clear Cache. However, when I create a DEFINE in the Business View it was visible right away.

Again, thanks

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