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WEBFOCUS DESIGNER multiple default value selection Let say f...

Azhar M A 2

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WEBFOCUS DESIGNER multiple default value selection

Let say for example if we have multiple values selection parameter like year and we want to select multiple default years.

Right now, When I try to give single value it will also select the check box in the filter paramter

But how to select multiple values and get checked in the parameter list.

turnaround is : 2019 OR '2020

but doing this it will not select the parameter in the listbox.



WebFOCUS 8105/8207

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As you are building out the content in Designer, you can select the filter values at Design time and then save the chart/report. Then when you convert to a page or assemble the page the filter values will be default.


image.png15351128 61.1 KB



image.png1534664 112 KB

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