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Hi all I have some simple v3 BIPs to convert to the new desi...

Toby Mills

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Hi Babak

Thanks for the idea - Im having a hard time exposing the Domain by way of a simple URL.

Suppose I have a Domain named Common What should my URL be

I tried a couple of things:

http://mymachine/ibi_apps/Common or common 404

http://mymachine/ibi_apps/workspaces/common also 404

if I just do

http://mymachin/ibi_apps/workspaces - I do get the resource tree nicely but I cant figure out how to go down to Common to start partway down a leg of the Resource Tree

Or I can take a really long URL like this with rest services - but I just return the XML for the desired Domain - the Explorer widget isnt formatting the answer:


I know I can point to a Portal (with /ibi_apps/portals/) but not sure about how to pop into the Resource Tree like 3 levels in.

Thanks for the idea


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Hi all

I have some simple v3 BIPs to convert to the new designer created pages / Portals.

The BIPs that Im working on are super simple in the V3/V4 world. The Page were using has just 2 Panels. The Panel on the left has the Resource Tree that shows users reports they can run. When they run a report, the output is sent to the 2nd Panel on the right.

Easy right

Or not I cant find where to tell the new Page Designer deal how to make the 2nd Panel be a Target for the first Panel.

Further, its been a battle to get either a simple Panel or the Explorer widget to appear starting at a particular folder location.

Example V3 portal from 8105m


image.png641642 26.6 KB


If anybody has an idea for displaying a list of reports and pointing to a target, thatd be great.



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This may not be exactly what youre trying to do however, its one way of giving users the ability to select the fex they want from a specific domain folder. Assemble a page and put a panel in the page. The content of the panel could be anything you want. It could be a report, chart or even an image of the domain folders. By unlocking the panel and putting a specific path in Select content from your user can click the ellipsis on the panel to select a different fex in that domain path. There might be an even better way of doing this with Javascript but Ive not tried to figure that out.


image.png1717872 88.8 KB

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Thanks Babak.

Thats new for me to think of so I appreciate the idea. Ive messed with the same general concept by just creating a blank panel, with the Container Unlocked, and then you choose just the Folder to show - it seems to do part of what I want - but it loads up first with the Easy Selector enabled - rather than just filling the panel with the Resource Tree.

Heres what this looks like in a 2 panel portal:


image.png1778834 73.6 KB


When you run the Portal - it starts out like this:


image.png1963609 28.1 KB


Clicking the Easy Selector opens up a Modal window to choose from. The modal window is the look Id like to have in the Panel - instead of a Modal window:


image.png994742 38 KB


That would help to get this list in a Panel. Even if I did get that to work, I dont know how to aim the output of the first panel to land in the second panel.

This was a very BIP first shown to use in 8.0. It might have been a template of some sort. Anyway, its harder now.

Have you seen my post about the ibx framework Unfortunately, like a lot of us old FOCUS people, my javascript skills are limited to copying code and very minor debugging. Theres got to be a way to do this. Telu used to be the main programmer that helped me out back when Matt Lerner was still doing the BIP development. I dont want to ping Telu directly as Im sure theyre busy trying to stomp out bugs. But I do want an answer to what seems basic.

Thanks very much for pitching in - if you still have family at IBI, feel free to hit them up.

Toby Mills (former ASM and TSR).

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