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Hi Guys, We are facing issues while implementing ZIP Encrypt...

VisuaLizeFOCUS .

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Hi Guys,

We are facing issues while implementing ZIP Encryption Password Plugin in Report Caster.

WebFOCUS Version: 8207

My setting in ReportCaster-> Configuration-> Zip Setting :-

Zip Encryption Password Plugin: Default

Zip Encoding: ASCII (tried other encoding as well)

Also my settings in C:ibiWebFOCUS82ReportCastercfgzipencrypt.txt

Common, IBFS:/WFC/Repository/Common/hidden_content/hybrid_reports, test@123 ,$

Where : DOMAIN = Common

DOMAINHREF = IBFS:/WFC/Repository/Common/hidden_content/hybrid_reports

PASSWORD = test@123

When I schedule a report in report caster available in IBFS:/WFC/Repository/Common/hidden_content/hybrid_reports folder it gives me below ERROR:

Report not distributed because no password is available to encrypt the file.

We dont want to use a distribution list as we dont have such a requirement.

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