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Chad Smith

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  1. I'm currently on version 8.2, is there any new code that will turn on the column filters within Excel output without having to hard-code via the old method? Old method: < DEFINE FILE CAR AUTOFILTER/A162 = '</td></tr><tr><td x:autofilter="all" x:autofilterrange="$A$2:$C$2">COUNTRY</td>' | '<td class=xl100 x:autofilter="all">CAR</td>' | '<td class=xl100 x:autofilter="all">MODEL' ; END TABLE FILE CAR HEADING "<AUTOFILTER " PRINT COUNTRY AS '' CAR AS '' MODEL AS '' ON TABLE PCHOLD FORMAT EXL07 END >
  2. Creating a basic self-service reporting HTML page. Is there a way to setup metadata so that an HTML control can be used to display fields (within a double list box or something similar) which the user can select desired fields to be pushed to the report output?
  3. Directly from the Tibco site: https://kb.informationbuilders.com/topic/webfocus-8207-browser-information
  4. I'm currently in remediation testing moving from 8.1 to 8.2. My admin is out of the country for three weeks and I noticed that the 8.2 Logs (monitor, audit, event, etc.) are not updating with recent activity. My last modification date was months ago. Where do I go to see if the startup parameters are not set up for logging and if they are not, what do I do to change them I'm open to any suggestions or a reference to a users guide if someone can just point me in the right direction. Thanks The logs not updating are located at /ibi/WebFOCUS82/logs
  5. Here is the message we received from our Account Executive: "Unfortunately, i've got some bad news, at least for now, on the forum. Here is what we were told discussion content fromhttps://myibicommunity.ibi.com/forum/will be migrated to the new Community site which will launch this summer and will be searchable upon launch. It is my understanding that the content will not be available in the interim."
  6. I need to be able to see/search the past forum posts and have spent the last 20 minutes trying to find where the original TIBCO posts were moved. Can anyone point me in the right direction
  7. Good suggestion. I was looking more for a check box but the button right about your suggestion is what resolved the issue. I am now being prompted to confirm the delete again. Answer: Reset All Message Boxes on the App Studio Options page did the trick.
  8. How do you turn back on the Confirm Delete prompt in App Studio 8.2 While deleting old fexes via the right-click select Delete, I turned off the Confirm Delete prompt because I had so much clean up to perform. Now I cannot locate how to turn it back on. I was certain this was in the App Studio Options menu, but no such luck. Any suggestions
  9. I am currently migrating to 8.207 and I trying to determine if this is common behavior or something else. When I launch a fex/HTML in 8.105M from App Studio, the execution occurs almost immediately. The defined browser window pops open and you know the job has fired off. In 8.207, when the same fex/HTML is executed, it takes two to four seconds before the browser window opens. Is this common behavior or something else that I need to look into and make adjustments My security team tells me they are not running anything on my machine that would cause the delay. Therefore, I need to know if anyone else is experiencing the issue before I push them to research further.
  10. Looking to see if there is a best practice for using ReportCaster to run a fex 7 days before the end of the month. Traditionally we setup ReportCaster to run the fex multiple days in a row and instruct the code to bypass the output if the run date is not 7 days from the end of the month. On the one day out of the month where the condition is met, a report is distributed to the requestor. Is there a better way to do this by strictly using ReportCaster to make the decision to run or not It seems overkill to run it several days in a row. Thanks for any suggestions you can offer.
  11. When you get the empty page, enter Developer Tools mode within Chrome (Ctrl+Shift+I) to see what errors the page is rendering.
  12. Instructions provided by support team: As per this issue, Microsoft is updating their Edge driver almost every week and to keep the edge driver updated in the App Studio you will need to install it manually. Please do the following: Access the following URL: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/webdriver/ According the uploaded doc, you are on version 98. Under Stable Channel, downloaded, x64. Extract the package on the Appstudio box. Navigate to :ibiAppStudio82bin Rename the exisiting, msedgedriver.exe to msedgedriver.exe.backup. Cut and paste the msedgedriver.exe from the package you just downloaded into the bin directory. Ensure Appstudio is not open, From the above bin location, right click on thisfoci.bat. and run as Administrator. Restart the machine after running the thisfoci.bat Opened AS and test it with Edge.
  13. I just opened a case. When resolution is provided, I will update the post.
  14. John, where were you able to find instructions on how to get Chrome to automation open Excel and PDF report. We also use Excel and PDF for the majority of our reports and I expect my users to need the same instructions.
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