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WebFOCUS Designer and JavaScript Documentation

J. J.

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Has anyone leveraged JavaScript within the WebFOCUS Designer tool (9.x) and is there any good documentation?  IBI directs me to the documentation.  I point out that it isn't good and there are no solid examples.  They tell me they will pass along the feedback to their leadership.  The WebFOCUS webinars mention that JavaScript can be used but never spend any time speaking about it?  I am just curious if anyone is using it.

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Hi @J. J. not sure which documentation you already checked out?

I prefer the online help contains samples as well as a more detailed documentation -  if you only checked the PDF doc - this is very basic

Here's the link to start with:

In addition WebFOCUS contains a built in documentation of classes for Javascript 

just replace http://webfocus.local:8080/ibi_apps with your machine URL

If you are using a very recent version of WebFOCUS take a look at Interactions as they are quite handy for JavaScript implementation

https://docs.tibco.com/pub/wf-wf/9.3.0/doc/pdf/IBI_wf-wf_9.3.0_users-guide.pdf - Page 881 


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Hi @Patrick Huebgen,

Thank you for this feedback.  This has been helpful.  We are trying to load specific content once the page loads.  We found that the following function will do it.

panelContainer.ibaObject.addContent('IBFS:/WFC/Repository/<workspace>/<content>', 'Title', true);

However, using this will prevent filters from loading.  We reached out to IBI Support to get their feedback.  They indicated that any JavaScript, even the documented API, is not supported by IBI.  Have you ever used JavaScript to load content on a page?

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Some "dashboards" are data intensive and we do not want to run automatically.  Also, our customers want us to provide rich text instructions or details on some dashboards.  The Designer tool Text option does not support rich formatting so we do this in an HTML file.  Unfortunately, when we uncheck the auto load feature, it does not load the HTML instructions/details page.  We looked at using an Interaction, but it does not an option to trigger content load based on the "page loaded" event.  We are now trying to leverage JavaScript to load the HTML content in a container while leaving the data output blank until the submit event.  We found that adding the  panelContainer.ibaObject.addContent('IBFS:/WFC/Repository/<workspace>/<content>', 'Title', true); works, but stops the filters from appearing on the page.

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