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Getting Requested Resource was not found in this application /ibi_apps/ibi_html/publish/text/ error

Bajr Prakash Singh
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Hi All,
We have migrated from WF 8105 to WF 9.1.2.

Previously the onmousehover function for text having path for an html, was working fine when user hover overed the text and it showed the HTML.
But the same text when user hover overs in WF 9.1.2 shows
"Requested Resource was not found in this application /ibi_apps/ibi_html/publish/text/filename.htm error". 

JS function where report is being called:
"function text56_onmouseover(ctrl) {

I believe there was a setting in Admin Console->Application Settings which would have fixed the issue. But I don't remember the setting and not sure if that feature has changed in WF 9.
Does anyone know about this issue?

Thanks in Advance.

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Hi @David Beagan , based on your response I tried to add the forward slash in front of ibi_html, but instead of showing the html file, it took me to my login page of application and the URL was changed as below:


When forward slash is removed and we get the 404 error, the URL changes as below:

https://company.com/ibi_apps/ibi_html/publish/text/filename.htm - this is same URL which correctly showed the requested HTML file in our 8105 version of WF.

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@Bajr Prakash Singh ibi_html is now a .jar file not a folder anymore. You can extract the .war add the file and repackage it but for any custom file I would rather recommend to use a folder mapped in Tomcat. The jar file trick is not recommended and would require you to repeat this step after any update.

You can create your own folder mapping in in Tomcat and continue to use this or you can put the file into WebFOCUS repository and create a link for this file.

The URL depends on the solution you choose .  

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Hi @Patrick Huebgen, Thanks for you response. I was able to fix the issue without making any config change.
I just called relevant file using below URL:


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