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Dygraph Drilldown/Interaction Issue

Keith Lyles

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The dygraph line chart has some very cool features for it but it doesn't appear to allow the drill down functionality or to have other charts be affected when a data point on the dygraph chart is clicked.


The gui allows for adding a drilldown but the dygraph chart doesn't seem to respect the drilldown added and won't allow me to drilldown into other data/charts. 


If the option "drill anywhere" is selected for the chart an exception is encountered and the below errors appear in the logs:

[2024-08-29 07:09:53,128] ERROR [http-nio-8080-exec-83:StartSessionControllerDmInit] {userId=klyles} - ipAddr= UrlID= URL160 URL= "http://tpadev01-biasrs02.arbfile.org:8080/ibi_apps/contentDF.vxl?toolNameSpace=DF&configurationId=xRunUOAFex&scriptControllerName=SINGLE_COMPONENT&componentId=TableChart_1&dmSessionId=fdmId_11"
[2024-08-29 07:09:53,128] ERROR [http-nio-8080-exec-83:StartSessionControllerDmInit] {userId=klyles} - com.ibi.riax.error.BettyInternalException: unknown error message(IA_240829_070953-1)(IA_240829_070953-1)
[2024-08-29 07:09:53,132] ERROR [http-nio-8080-exec-83:IaServlet] {userId=klyles} - ipAddr= UrlID= URL160 URL= "http://tpadev01-biasrs02.arbfile.org:8080/ibi_apps/contentDF.vxl?toolNameSpace=DF&configurationId=xRunUOAFex&scriptControllerName=SINGLE_COMPONENT&componentId=TableChart_1&dmSessionId=fdmId_11"
[2024-08-29 07:09:53,132] ERROR [http-nio-8080-exec-83:IaServlet] {userId=klyles} - An exception occurred processing [/WEB-INF/jsp/autodrill/drillRestartX.jsp] at line [87]-cc--cc-84: }-cc-85: -cc-86: String  continueUrl  = com.ibi.riax.business.producer.drilldown.DrillDownUpdateUtil.reRunUrl(cmdInfo,currentFdmId,componentId);-cc-87: String  restartUrl = com.ibi.riax.business.producer.drilldown.DrillDownUpdateUtil.restartUrl(cmdInfo,currentFdmId);-cc-88: -cc-89: %>-cc-90: <body>-cc--cc--cc-Stacktrace:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing [/WEB-INF/jsp/autodrill/drillRestartX.jsp] at line [87]
84: }
86: String  continueUrl  = com.ibi.riax.business.producer.drilldown.DrillDownUpdateUtil.reRunUrl(cmdInfo,currentFdmId,componentId);
87: String  restartUrl = com.ibi.riax.business.producer.drilldown.DrillDownUpdateUtil.restartUrl(cmdInfo,currentFdmId);
89: %>
90: <body>


Is there a way to enable this functionality?



WebFOCUS 9.2.4

Edited by Keith Lyles
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  • Keith Lyles changed the title to Dygraph Drilldown/Interaction Issue

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