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How to Export/Import Users and Group memberships from Prod to Test environment?

Go to solution Solved by Todd Van Valkenburg,

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I would like to synchronize our test environment with our prod environment.  Both environments 9.2.  Using Change Management, I can export/import Groups, Workspace content, Rules over from Prod to Test.  However, what I am lacking are the users and group memberships.  Is these a method to copy these over to Test as well?  I am not finding options to do this using Change Management.

Thank you.

Edited by Todd Van Valkenburg
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11 hours ago, Todd Van Valkenburg said:

In the security administration manual, I see that I can create a csv of all users.  I will see if I can make this method work. 

That's what I was referring to - and what I'm using whenever I need to export /import users  - let me me know if you want me to share a sample


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@Todd Van Valkenburg

Here's my technique

Im using this method to connect and the fex at the end of the post to create the file to be use for the import

Import - https://docs.tibco.com/webfocus/912/doc/html/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibi.help.admin%2Fsource%2Fuser_admin53.htm



Here's the fex to create the file for importing based on the master files 










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Hi Patrick,

Thank you.  However, since the requirement of the import csv file is one row per user, the security group list needs to be built in a way so that all groups are listed separated by a semicolon.  Also, our group hierarchy may run a few levels deep (parentgroup/childgroup1/childgroup2 ).

e.g. Here is an actual example of a group list formatted for the import csv :


Wondering if you got that piece of the script to work and can share it.

Thanks again!


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Posted (edited)

FYI.  Attaching a fex that may help others get started to create a csv list of all active users and the group memberships that works with the ibi import utility that is run from the Security Center.  Use at your own risk 😉 This fex opens in InfoAssist with the exception of the output type of COM (IA will revert to HTML output when opened).  Also, our application directory is called WEBFOCUS which connects to our Oracle repository DB.  This should work for security group hierarchy up to 4 levels deep.  Since the import script ignores users that already exists, the sequence that I am trying to get all users and groups and group memberships and rules and workspace content copied from Prod to Test is to 1) pause the Report Caster scheduler on the Test system; 2) delete users from Test environment (not adminstrators); 3) delete repo workspaces from Test environment using Manager Mode;  4) export individual workspace from Production using CM; 5) and import this workspace using CM into Test with all options set to add/update and add/replace (note that this step creates the security groups but does not assign users to groups); 6) run a script on the Test repo Oracle DB to set active schedules to inactive;  7) Using the fex mentioned here, mass import users and group memberships; 8 when ready, un-pause the Report Caster scheduler on the Test system.  For what it is worth. 




Edited by Todd Van Valkenburg
Ran more tests and need to change the sequence
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